From The Pastors Desk
 Last Updated  02-Jan-2005 6:53 PM



Sunday : 2nd January 2005

Christmas & New Year Reflection

The word was made flesh, he lived among us.

These words from the gospel of St. John sum up the great event of the feast of the incarnation (Christmas). God became man through Mary and lived with his people.

Next Thursday the Church the people of God celebrate the feast of the Epiphany which when translated from the Greek means the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, son of God and saviour of the world.
When the Magi (the three wise men) went to seek the word made flesh and gave him three gifts to acknowledge that he was through : · Gold - The King of Kings and Lord of Lords as prophesized by Isaiah. (the metal of kings) · Frankincense - The eternal High Priest who sacrificed himself on the Altar of the Cross to destroy sin and death. Jesus a priest for ever like Melchisedech of old Eucharist prayer 1. (Frankincense which is derived from a special tree which is found in Arabia (present day Saudi Arabia) · Myrrh - the ointment of death which was used for embalming the dead body of a king.

Jesus the word made flesh came into this world of sin and death in order that men and women would be reconciled with God. This could only be achieved by the offering up of his body and blood.

(Myrrh) again comes from a special tree which is only found in Arabia.

Our brothers and sisters in other parts of Europe e.g. Spain, Portugal and Italy give their loved ones gifts on the feast of the Epiphany and not on Christmas Day like we do, in order to identify with the Magi. We here in Ireland can join our brothers and sisters on the continent and give ourselves to Jesus through our New Years resolution of caring, sharing and giving to his people in every way.

Let each of us for the year ahead, the year of the Eucharist, make a very special effort to live good and prayerful lives with the blessing of the Mass (Eucharist) each Saturday night and Sunday morning upon us as we listen to and read the word of God and partake in the body and blood of Jesus in communion and in order to help us to keep our new year resolution and to renew them each month of 2005.

May the word made flesh (Jesus) lead us back to the sacrament of Confession at the start of each month in order to confess our human faults and failings. Faults and failings that the saints of God shared in themselves but they asked for forgiveness and got it and turned over a new leaf. We can do the same. May the word made flesh (Jesus) help us and look after us in 2005.


Prayer Thought
The Christmas festival may be nearly over. But God-made-man still and always lives among us, so that we too may grow in grace and truth and come to share his glory.

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