From The Pastors Desk
 Last Updated  25-Dec-2003 0:02 AM




Christmas Greetings

It's the Season of Peace and Goodwill. On this Christmas Night it's a joy, with the use of modern technology, to be able to send Christmas greetings to those from this parish who now live in many parts of the world; indeed to people everywhere who may chance to read this message.

I have just offered the Christmas night Mass here in Cloughduv. I was delighted to meet many who had come home from various parts of Ireland and beyond, to be with family and friends for Christmas. These we can welcome and greet in person. However, having been an emigrant myself for 25 years, I know how much thoughts of home are on one's mind on what is traditionally a very family occasion.

Here in the parish we are blessed to have excellent choirs in each of the three churches, Kilmurry, Canovee and Cloughduv. It does make such a difference, especially at Christmastime. They really lift the beauty and prayerfulness of the Mass to a new level. The weather is mild here to night - a good night for the Holy Family as they travel seeking a welcome. Wherever you worshipped to-night, or will to-morrow, I'm sure memories of earlier Christmases are, or will be, very much on your mind.

So, to our exiles and to people everywhere, of every nationality, of all faiths or none we send goodwill greetings and pray that 2004 brings peace to places where God's children still lack peace and love. This is what Our Saviour came to bring - Peace to "people of goodwill". Each of us can add our little grain of sand in the building process.

May the Child Jesus bring comfort and joy to your heart this Christmas night, wherever on this planet you are . We would love to hear from you.

Good night and God bless you and yours.

Tim O'Sullivan, Parish Priest or Pastor.

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