of Mass times.
As many of you are aware, this change has been likely
to happen for a long time. We have held it at bay for as long
as we possibly could. Personell considerations now simply mean
we can no longer go on providing six Masses at the weekend in
the Parish. We have thought long and hard about it, discussed
it with the Parish Pastoral Council, and finally come up with
the following decision:
Sat. 6.30 p.m. Canovee.
Sat. 8.00 p.m. Kilmurry (1st,3rd,5th Saturday)
Sat. 8.00 p.m. Cloughduv (2nd,4th Saturday)
Sun. 10.00 a.m. Kilmurry
Sun. 11.30 a.m. Cloughduv.
This means there will be four Masses in the Parish every weekend
as and from the first weekend of May (5/6th). We are very aware
that this will constitute a disturbance and an inconvenience for
some of you. We are sorry for that. Unfortunately, circumstances
are such now that we are left with little choice. The Saturday
evening and Sunday morning times in Kilmurry have been adjusted
by half an hour to facilitate the time when there will only be
one priest plying between both Churches